Thursday, June 23, 2011

How do I become rich?

I'm tired of struggling in life for everything I do . Money wise and life in general everything has always been kind of impossible for me to achieve basic things. I don't expect thingsto be given to me but I'm tired to not been able to just say "okay I'm going on vacations next week" or not even at least have the ability to just pay for school or get myself a car. I know I mention rich up on the tittle but as long as I had just enough for me to go to school I would be blessed.I woulnt mind working hard on everything just like I have been for the past few years, right mow money for school is what has me worried. I'm a chemistry major going for premed and I'm trying to get to the point where I'm prepared enough to work in the medical field. Money is tight and because I dont have one thing I can't do thd other, I don't have a car so I can't get to school, and since I don't have a car I have to settle for less hours at work because I have to get a ride , and that money is not enough to get a car or pay for school . I'll get there eventually,how I'm going to do it I dont know. I feel on the edge that edge that makes you quit but I have worked so hard for everything that quitting now wouldn't be worth it, even though I want too. I'm trying to make money at least for the future so that my kids have just enough to start and go through their own struggles . I need the recipe go become rich thats what I need! Or a donation wouldn't be bad!!! Hahahhaha don't u think I'm funny!!!:)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What to do, what to do...Happy Father's day!!!!

It's sunday! I worked today, lately I have been working weekends. I don't really like it because weekends are the only days that I could actually do something or not have something to do like everyday of the rest of the week. Since I was work right in the middle of the day I feel like I waste my morning and afternoon. But today, today I'm bored I feel sick and I miss my boyfriend :( I want to do something just chill somewhere and even though I saw my bf yesterday I want to hug him and sit next to him.I feel like it's a waste of Sunday, I really wish I had a car so that at least I had something to do wash it or something. Anhui I guess the day ends for me a couple of hours before everyone else.
Happy Father's day by the way. I admire good fathers and I wish them the best and that their families, wives, and kids appreciate their hard work and dedication . My bf's dad past away and eventhough I never met him , he was a good man based on what I hear. It makes me sad to know that I have my dad alive and that I don't miss him or will look up to him as my as my bf looks up to his . I still wish my dad a happy Father's day for the years of attempt, it doesn't mean I will forget the years he has forgotten he had kids.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ok so, I have short hair so i guess that's a good thing

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The Bob is a Hot Short Hair Trend for 2011

Bob Hairstyle Photo Gallery
Keira Knightley
Dave Hogan // Getty Images
The bob remains a hot hairstyle for 2011, in fact, it's so hot that many actresses and singers are cutting off their long locks for chin-grazing bobs and the longer "demi-bobs" or long bobs. This season's bob has a bit of edge to it. The hot bobs for 2011 are messy, a bit tousled but they all end at the chin or just below it, like Keira's here. Add in blunt bangs or fringe for a really edgy look.
So who can wear the bob? Anyone with a nice jawline and neck will look good in a bob. If you have a round face, a long bob is a better option for you (see below). As for hair texture, bobs work best on thin to medium hair. Stay away from short hair if you have curly hair, a bob will only puff out on you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I hate rushing, Good morning by the way!!!

So, today I skipped breakfast, I didn't let my dogs out (mom will though), and I didn't spray water on my face to look more awake. My uncles wife doesn't have a car right now and for a whole week my mom has been giving her a  ride to work and basically anywhere else. Today my mom had to drop of her son to school and bring me to school, take her to work, go back home to get me something to eat, come pick me up and then go to work. Way to waste gas huh?

I also helped her look for some money she put away or more of "lost" the money, and what do you know I look at the time and it was 7:35 already and I have to be in class by 8. I get to school and I remember that class today only was starting 15 minutes later! Really I could have had breakfast or at least take it to go.

I'm here checking my blog taking some time to myself after I rushed to get here, it's ok though
My mom found her 500 dollars she said she had LOOKED everywhere and she didn' it, she looked everywhere else except for there.
But after all, it's a beautiful morning, too bad I have to be indoors.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Glamourous Juicy Couture

 Like I say a couple of days ago I now work at Juicy Couture!!! I have worked there for a couple of days now, I have learned how to work the cash register and I have done, without bragging, a very good job in my opinion, and apparently the managers opinion. I'm a people person and I talk a lot , so speaking to clients and starting up a conversation is not hard for me because I do it all the time with random people in random places.

I LOVE the discount they give us I already bought my first shirt using my discount, we need to build up our wardrobe because the store wants their associates to wear their clothes duhhh right. But in general it is a good experience I'm surrounded by other people in a different atmosphere I have never been on, it has always been school, or friends, family, but never people from work... it even sounds weird saying that. I need to grow it all aspects of my life and even if my mom doesn't really like it because she doesn't like the hours I get, it helps me have more freedom from my mom, and be out of the house more, specially now during the summer time.

I also started my aerobics class today, it was one of my goals, I already achieved two getting a job was one of them, so I'm up to 3 goals achieved this summer...but things have to get better than this!!By the way I worked more muslces than than I had in a month all in 30 minutes!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

" We pay you to look good and sell things"

I have been caring way to much over my appearance. I don't know why, I feel like nothing fits right and I'm so upset about my weight . I ave always been ok with my body I joke about it once in a while, and I also say I'm going to lose weight which I do but I never keep it off. But now that I have a boyfriend I have gained more weight, part of it his fault for going to dine so much....but either way I can have a boy make me differently. It could be my new job now that I work in retail at a nice store, there is a little pressure to look good. The store wants us to represent them, and where their clothes but i feel its more for thin girls and I'm no walking stick, no offense there!!!

Even though it directly does not have to do with weight but it was has to do with how good you look in something, and that's my problem, I feel like nothing ever looks ok.

I have done many things to get to the point where I will feel comfortable , its not the sizes or how much I weight at the end that counts but how I feel, in my clothes, in a dress, bathing suit, even naked! I just want to make a commitment to myself to be healthy and happy, for me and my body, not for anyone or anything else!