Friday, June 3, 2011

" We pay you to look good and sell things"

I have been caring way to much over my appearance. I don't know why, I feel like nothing fits right and I'm so upset about my weight . I ave always been ok with my body I joke about it once in a while, and I also say I'm going to lose weight which I do but I never keep it off. But now that I have a boyfriend I have gained more weight, part of it his fault for going to dine so much....but either way I can have a boy make me differently. It could be my new job now that I work in retail at a nice store, there is a little pressure to look good. The store wants us to represent them, and where their clothes but i feel its more for thin girls and I'm no walking stick, no offense there!!!

Even though it directly does not have to do with weight but it was has to do with how good you look in something, and that's my problem, I feel like nothing ever looks ok.

I have done many things to get to the point where I will feel comfortable , its not the sizes or how much I weight at the end that counts but how I feel, in my clothes, in a dress, bathing suit, even naked! I just want to make a commitment to myself to be healthy and happy, for me and my body, not for anyone or anything else!


  1. "The store wants us to represent them, and where their clothes but i feel its more for thin girls and I'm no walking stick, no offense there!!!"

    Is it actually obligatory for you to wear the store's clothes or is it just "strongly urged"? Unless you're contractually obliged to wear the store's clothes, try to find something that still adheres to the dress code but that you feel more comfortable in. I have to admit, the only retail jobs I've had have been in food stores, not fashion outlets, so I might be talking complete rubbish but it seems very dictatorial to expect you to wear the store's own clothes.

    I have been in the place where you look at the mirror and feel that nothing looks good enough and I know that it's a horrible way to feel. But I eventually reached a point where as long as my clothes were comfortable, that's all that mattered. It was just a case of finding out what "comfortable" meant for me. For me, it meant clothes that didn't constrict my breathing or show off too much.

    I know it's easier said than done but try to smile at what you see when you look in the mirror. People usually find it really hard to be objective about themselves but I have a suspicion that if we were better at it, we wouldn't find much to criticise.

  2. It is encourage but not obligatory. I love juicy and now that I work there and I'm not there to shop i feel like I have to represent the store, their fashion is not what they want to be known for but their tracksuits which are sold all year round, but now that I work in retail I feel like i have to look extra good. I have always struggle with weight and even though I'm average I do have a tummy and it's what bothers me alot. I'm trying to get to the point where i feel good in everything i wear, and I don't plan to get to the skin and bones level. if I just loose this love hangle I wouldn't complain. It's a struggle with myself I know, and this has been a life long kind of thing it is now that is becoming more important than what it should be
