Thursday, June 23, 2011

How do I become rich?

I'm tired of struggling in life for everything I do . Money wise and life in general everything has always been kind of impossible for me to achieve basic things. I don't expect thingsto be given to me but I'm tired to not been able to just say "okay I'm going on vacations next week" or not even at least have the ability to just pay for school or get myself a car. I know I mention rich up on the tittle but as long as I had just enough for me to go to school I would be blessed.I woulnt mind working hard on everything just like I have been for the past few years, right mow money for school is what has me worried. I'm a chemistry major going for premed and I'm trying to get to the point where I'm prepared enough to work in the medical field. Money is tight and because I dont have one thing I can't do thd other, I don't have a car so I can't get to school, and since I don't have a car I have to settle for less hours at work because I have to get a ride , and that money is not enough to get a car or pay for school . I'll get there eventually,how I'm going to do it I dont know. I feel on the edge that edge that makes you quit but I have worked so hard for everything that quitting now wouldn't be worth it, even though I want too. I'm trying to make money at least for the future so that my kids have just enough to start and go through their own struggles . I need the recipe go become rich thats what I need! Or a donation wouldn't be bad!!! Hahahhaha don't u think I'm funny!!!:)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What to do, what to do...Happy Father's day!!!!

It's sunday! I worked today, lately I have been working weekends. I don't really like it because weekends are the only days that I could actually do something or not have something to do like everyday of the rest of the week. Since I was work right in the middle of the day I feel like I waste my morning and afternoon. But today, today I'm bored I feel sick and I miss my boyfriend :( I want to do something just chill somewhere and even though I saw my bf yesterday I want to hug him and sit next to him.I feel like it's a waste of Sunday, I really wish I had a car so that at least I had something to do wash it or something. Anhui I guess the day ends for me a couple of hours before everyone else.
Happy Father's day by the way. I admire good fathers and I wish them the best and that their families, wives, and kids appreciate their hard work and dedication . My bf's dad past away and eventhough I never met him , he was a good man based on what I hear. It makes me sad to know that I have my dad alive and that I don't miss him or will look up to him as my as my bf looks up to his . I still wish my dad a happy Father's day for the years of attempt, it doesn't mean I will forget the years he has forgotten he had kids.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ok so, I have short hair so i guess that's a good thing

1 of 20

The Bob is a Hot Short Hair Trend for 2011

Bob Hairstyle Photo Gallery
Keira Knightley
Dave Hogan // Getty Images
The bob remains a hot hairstyle for 2011, in fact, it's so hot that many actresses and singers are cutting off their long locks for chin-grazing bobs and the longer "demi-bobs" or long bobs. This season's bob has a bit of edge to it. The hot bobs for 2011 are messy, a bit tousled but they all end at the chin or just below it, like Keira's here. Add in blunt bangs or fringe for a really edgy look.
So who can wear the bob? Anyone with a nice jawline and neck will look good in a bob. If you have a round face, a long bob is a better option for you (see below). As for hair texture, bobs work best on thin to medium hair. Stay away from short hair if you have curly hair, a bob will only puff out on you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I hate rushing, Good morning by the way!!!

So, today I skipped breakfast, I didn't let my dogs out (mom will though), and I didn't spray water on my face to look more awake. My uncles wife doesn't have a car right now and for a whole week my mom has been giving her a  ride to work and basically anywhere else. Today my mom had to drop of her son to school and bring me to school, take her to work, go back home to get me something to eat, come pick me up and then go to work. Way to waste gas huh?

I also helped her look for some money she put away or more of "lost" the money, and what do you know I look at the time and it was 7:35 already and I have to be in class by 8. I get to school and I remember that class today only was starting 15 minutes later! Really I could have had breakfast or at least take it to go.

I'm here checking my blog taking some time to myself after I rushed to get here, it's ok though
My mom found her 500 dollars she said she had LOOKED everywhere and she didn' it, she looked everywhere else except for there.
But after all, it's a beautiful morning, too bad I have to be indoors.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Glamourous Juicy Couture

 Like I say a couple of days ago I now work at Juicy Couture!!! I have worked there for a couple of days now, I have learned how to work the cash register and I have done, without bragging, a very good job in my opinion, and apparently the managers opinion. I'm a people person and I talk a lot , so speaking to clients and starting up a conversation is not hard for me because I do it all the time with random people in random places.

I LOVE the discount they give us I already bought my first shirt using my discount, we need to build up our wardrobe because the store wants their associates to wear their clothes duhhh right. But in general it is a good experience I'm surrounded by other people in a different atmosphere I have never been on, it has always been school, or friends, family, but never people from work... it even sounds weird saying that. I need to grow it all aspects of my life and even if my mom doesn't really like it because she doesn't like the hours I get, it helps me have more freedom from my mom, and be out of the house more, specially now during the summer time.

I also started my aerobics class today, it was one of my goals, I already achieved two getting a job was one of them, so I'm up to 3 goals achieved this summer...but things have to get better than this!!By the way I worked more muslces than than I had in a month all in 30 minutes!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

" We pay you to look good and sell things"

I have been caring way to much over my appearance. I don't know why, I feel like nothing fits right and I'm so upset about my weight . I ave always been ok with my body I joke about it once in a while, and I also say I'm going to lose weight which I do but I never keep it off. But now that I have a boyfriend I have gained more weight, part of it his fault for going to dine so much....but either way I can have a boy make me differently. It could be my new job now that I work in retail at a nice store, there is a little pressure to look good. The store wants us to represent them, and where their clothes but i feel its more for thin girls and I'm no walking stick, no offense there!!!

Even though it directly does not have to do with weight but it was has to do with how good you look in something, and that's my problem, I feel like nothing ever looks ok.

I have done many things to get to the point where I will feel comfortable , its not the sizes or how much I weight at the end that counts but how I feel, in my clothes, in a dress, bathing suit, even naked! I just want to make a commitment to myself to be healthy and happy, for me and my body, not for anyone or anything else!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bad start to an amazing weekend..

I started my weekend with the wrong foot, Friday night was not a good night my boyfriend and I got upset over something stupid for me but apparently significant to him. We didn't talk to each other at all on Saturday which game me some free time to chill and watch a movie with  my bestie. Sunday I couldn't hold it anymore and I called him and I asked him to not be upset at me anymore , and all those things you say when you realize that maybe you were not supposed to say that or take in count that other can get offended. So things on Memorial day got better, we had breakfast, and we planned a random trip to the lake where I spend basically all day sitting with him and two of his friends.

I'm more of any action person, I can't just sit around. but I have to say that even though we couldn't get in the water I was glad I got to spend our first day together, no kidding for the time I have knowing him this is the first time I see him during the daytime!!! I love days like this, it makes me realize that you don't have to get all pretty or go somewhere fancy or plan from weeks ahead to have a relaxing time. So this Monday was definitely a lazy one...

Friday, May 27, 2011

I got a job!

I am now going to be a Juicy Couture sales associate. This is my first "real" job. I'm excited becasue at this age I feel like I'm bearly gaining my independence as an adult and getting a job is a huge step;however, it is a part time job, and I don't have a car. So, when I tell my mom I got a job, which is was very quick becasue I applied Friday and my interview was Wednesday, she tells me that I'm bearly going to make enough money for gas, REALLY? A little support at least. I know it wasn't the job I wanted becasue I was looking for a full time job, but I didn't know and plus is not like I have to be there for a long time. I can work there and see if I get more hours and if I don't then I move to another job, full-time.

I have to say that Juicy gives great discounts and I'm really excited about that, even though my pay check my not even be enough to buy a purse. Everyone starts from the floor and get up on that laboral lader little by little.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

American Idol's Scotty WON!!!

I has never watched American Idol before, this was my first season ever, and even though i wasn't hooked on it, because I missed a lot of good shows (like when Hailey left or when Casey left, or Jacob). Wow I did miss a lot, anyways I tried my best to tuned it and at least be up to date, and today it was a good show. A lot of people where invited a lot of performers, I didn't love some of the performances but it was entertaining. By the way Scotty you left Jack Black waiting for a hug!! Everyone saw that!!!! Also, is Scotty dating Lauren????

Anyways, good luck to him, he got a new car, a trophy , a title , maybe a girlfriend, and A LOT OF FANS! Good luck to him on his new career path, and to the rest of the boys and girls that where on the show.

Here is a little something from tonight's show.
Lady Gaga might be crazy and even evil but none can take away the fact that she does have an amazing voice,

And of course the winner singing...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I lOVE.....

I love this is one of my favorites it makes me wonder if there is actually a person out there that can love a person this much. Think about it would you give everything for a person, EVERYTHING it's hard to put yourself in this position when , you have family to love and a bf.
I also like Better days by Goo Goo Dolls as well, it says a lot of things that we don't think about it, it makes want to live a simpler life when I here these two songs.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lazy Monday: I'm a fashion mess

It is not a secret to the people most close to me that I'm not super fashionable, I do have taste, however, or so I think since someone always got to complement somethings I'm wearing, shoes, my shirt, sunglasses, even my make-up. I don't hope to be a model, because #1 I'm not slender I'm more like average, and #2 I just don't feel like nothing out there suits me. I need help, like is it lack of confidence, I don't know what to do, I need some pictures to get inspired, I asked my friends and I got some emails, send me some pics of links to the latest fashion trends and if I dare to try it I promise to post a picture, I got some pictures but I haven't gone shopping yet!!!! This worries me because I'm about to start working at Juicy Couture and the girls, which one of them is my friend, look sooooo good, it completely knocked on my fashion neuron that I need to dress to impress!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

The boyfriend talk

I have realized that I never talk about my boyfriend, I do with friends and I tell them all the cute things he does and says to me, but never about how he is, the person he is, and the many reasons why I want to be with him as much as I can.

At first, and is not a secret even to him, that I don't like him as a future boyfriend. I found myself no being attracted to him at all, and at first I didn't considered the idea even though I kind off knew he liked me. However, days turned into weeks and I found myself more attached to him, in many ways, I went from expecting his calls every night, to missing hearing his voice to even feeling sad when he didn't call me. The I still wouldn't admit that I had started to develop feeling for me, but it was obvious to almost everyone else.

The reason I said yes to being his girlfriend was that he appreciated everything about me, he accepted me, like me, and I can say he loves me, for everything that I am, and I haven't been very good at that but he has and the respect and love and care, and sensitivity of how he approaches me, made me fall for him.
I have always been a little tough when it comes to love, I'm very affectionate, so some but in general not expressive to anyone not even my family.

But this boy has changed a lot of that, he even makes fun of me, he tells me "I thought u said you didn't like holding hands, but you hold mine all the time" and it's very true.

My brother says I'm happy that before him he didn't see me this happy, it is not the first person to say this, and I am happy, VERY happy.

I learned a lot from him and our mutual love make me realized many things I believed to be untrue and to prove myself wrong.

I hope and I KNOW this will last, and I would want us to still be like the first date our first kiss, still with all the care and softness as when we first realized we wanted to be with each other.

Lazy Monday: Super Productive!

I am very proud to say that today I successfully accomplished my first Summer goal, before Summer actually starts! Also, I got back on track today which was also another goal and my morning walks now that I don't have school. I'm very excited!!!So my lazy Monday was very productive, even though I wore sweats and didn't shower(ewww) today!!!

SOOOOO great to be me ;)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning My Life

In the last couple of days I haven't been myself. There has been to much going on and as much as I care about everything I do, I have my priorities. I have been upset by a number of things, from my bf to my physical image and health, also getting a job. Summer is around the corner and I want to have money and be able to wear a super cute bikini, both I don't have. Bikini season depresses me because as much as I know I'm ok with my body I am not confident enough to wear one. Money is a huge issue here but I'm trying to get a job. As for my boyfriend our relationship is very good, but other things keep me from being with him as much as I would want to...So I'm spring cleaning my life! I'm , making changes and work up my problems so that I have all good things coming for me instead... and hopefully I can get my well deserved amazing vacations to Miami and California in July!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lazy Mondays

Mondays are my lazy days, I wake up tired, and lazy. I used to think that Mondays were days that people got up a little more energized and towards the end when the weekend is sooo close they would start slacking. But for me works the other way around if....if i'M NOT JUST PLAIN LAZY ALL WEEK LONG. Mondays however, are so bad for me, I wish I could stay home all day and do nothing!

So today I had said I was going to get up early, and walk my dogs before I started my daily routine, but I'm now sitting in front of my computer talking about how lazy I am!!

I don't want to change lazy Mondays I will like this is the only day that I really have more time to myself and I get things done, things that i want to do, not that I need to.

So I have decided that I'm going to make my Mondays still lazy but more productive, I'm going to do things that I want to do this day, so that at the end of the day I have actually gotten something done!!!

Great to be me :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Royal Wedding!!!

I didn't get the chance....well to be honest I didn't want to get up so early to watch something that later on was going to be all over the news and web.
 I was looking at the pictures and the videos, and after cracking up at some of the outrageous hats and gowns some of these royalties wore to the wedding, I have to say that I want a wedding like that.

It's almost every girl's dream to grow up and find their prince. Maybe because we grow up watching fairy tales where everything is happiness and the poor girl at the end is the luckiest girl in the world because she has finally found the love of her life.

Unfortunately we learn that it is not like that, not one bit;however deep inside we wish we can find one guy out of thousands that will turn out to be our prince, no matter how pessimistic we are towards boys or the looks, or the money, we always go back to the fairy tales and wish, our frog turns into a prince, instead of our prince turning into a frog.

I don't ask for a prince or a life like a princess, or a perfect man or close to perfect, I just want a guy that loves me and that doesn't necessarily have to love all the bad things about me because he doesn't have to love all my defects but learn to live around them and accept me, just as i will try my best to do the same. It would be unreal for someone to love everything, EVERYTHING about a person, I would be happy that even though we wouldn't love everything about each other that we could style manage to accept and want to be together no matter out differences.

BUT I look at this pictures and even though...some of you might hate for this....The prince is not sooo hot, she is gorgeous and they look soo happy...but every couple that just got married look parent included. It looked like it was soo close to perfect, her dress, and the ceremony, she was just the light of the room.

I wish these newly weds the best, or the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!! How cool is that!!! I hope this is a true fair tale, she look so gorgeous just like I would  want to look on the day i get marry, she looks happy and happy!!

This are some of my favorite pictures!!

I said favorite but no because I love it but because I thought Princesses would have to be elegant and sophisticated..but I guess I was wrong ......again

                                                    I love this picture for many reasons, The kiss, they are both smiling and that is so cute!!Everyone is watching and they are the center of attention, and THE LITTLE GIRL ON THE CORNER!! She is soooo funny! While everyone else wishes to be closer, she is right next to them look bored AND she is covering her ears!!hahahah too cute!!!

                        I'm  a fan of the veil, I love it I know it's typical and I'm actually a believer of the real reasons why brides wear their veils, I'm not saying anything about her just in general but I feel that when a bride doesn't wear her veil she doesn't look like a complete bride.

This one is my favorite, there's another where she is in the carriage and she looks like a real princess there, but here you can appreciate her dress so well, so pretty, It really makes me wanna get marry!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who the hecks understands you!!!

Do you wanna know what I i hate hate hate and makes me soo mad and irritates me and makes me wanna slap people is when 1 THEY CAN'T ADMIT THEIR MISTAKES. I rather that you slap me than not be able to admit that you are wrong... think about it denying that you did something wrong when someone else was there and witnessed everything.... get some freaken courage and admit at least to me that you WERE WRONG!!!!! When people are humble enough to admit their mistakes it shows a lot about a person. Sometimes I can be so stubborn and it is hard to admit when I am wrong but I look way for stupid if I deny it!!

2 I hate when people contradict themselves, I did with my now bf but it was different because i didn't think things were going to get to this point. But when you are arguing about something and then do the same thing it makes you look like a dumb ass with no credibility specially when you where wrong in the first place and couldn't admit to it!

I'm going through this "set back" over a misunderstanding and the wrong person is getting blamed for it because she won't admit that she also has something to do with this whole thing, and now she is doing what she had blamed me for doing.
The worst of all that is not even as bad as she made it seem she just took one thing and connected the dots to other things that didn't even relate.

Now she is like avenging which is my 3rd thing I hate. Why? what is the point specially when you are still friends!What is the point to make me feel bad, okay done now what now, talk to me like nothing happen, it doesn't work its sooos stupid and hurtful...

Thee thing is that I don't beg, once you are out of my heart you are out and some people are getting their with their stupid behavior and it hurts to end friendships over stupid reasons, or to end them in general

Is it good to be me?

Monday, April 25, 2011

I love.....

Sunny Days,

Clear skies at night,

windy days at the beach,

Quiet afternoons,

Rainy days when i have someone to cuddle with,

Listening to my favorite songs with no interruptions,

Taking pictures,

Being young,

Family, including my dogs,

Having time to myself

Long nights,


Hot days on the side of the pool!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ummm I don't even know what to think honestly...

So I don't know where I'm going wit this I'll just keep typing to see where this all leads too I have about 20 minutes before my class starts and I'm walking around like if I didn't have anything to do, but today is an unusual day, days like this never happen in fact had never happened to me before.

The wind is annoying me I style my hair really nice and the wind just blew it up and now I look like I just woke up, not only that but I was trying to look pretty for a dinner I have tonight with my boyfriend and his family. He is coming to get me at school so I'm going to have to go like this with frizzy hair, my luck.

But I'm just wondering around today the weather is nice despite my hair, and it's one of those days I see myself resting at the side of the beach having something tasty to drink, but no I'm at school about to head to my chemistry class, really boring class, and I have a feeling today is also going to be one of those days where I spend the whole class wishing I could fast forward time and day dreaming....

It's good to be me ; -)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What the heck is wrong with me lately!!

Sooo lately I have been sooo lazy!!!I think I lost my motivation, This semester has been so slow and I felt like I was just literally have dragged myself to do things even fun things. I don't want to get up, I haven't even been helping around the house, forgot about my goal ( exercise) and I don't feel good.

The end of the semester is not that far away and I feel like I'm barely getting into it. I have too much to think about lately I feel like I'm more upset, bored, tired, or just pissed off more than I'm happy. I have had some of the worst times this past few weeks.

Summer is around the corner and I'm determine to make the best of this summer 2011!!! I need to get my light back, my motivation! This really does not feel like myself......but I have many reasons to be happy and I'm going to have to get back on track.

I aced my test by the way! I'm soo happy it has been a tough semester but it is actually not looking so bad at after all!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I remember when I was in middle school, I wished I could be in high school be around all cooler kids ( or so I thought we were not but a bunch of assholes) and when I got to that stage in my life when I was in high school, I wished i could get out of there asap, I wished I could be 18 so that I could go clubbing, feel an adult. I turned 18 and then I wished I was 21 so that I could legally drink. Now at 22, I already lived those years and after 21 nobody wishes to be older. I feel like I didn't lived those years to their entirety, I was thinking about getting older and the things I could do when I reached a certain age that I feel like I didn't experience and enjoyed my years. It is not until your 21 that you realize that after that there's nothing WE ARE ALREADY LEGAL ADULTS AND CAN BUY DRINKS,  PLUS ALL THE PROBLEMS WE ALREADY HAVE BY THIS AGE! Eventually I was gonna be 21 I feel stupid for wanting to get older!!!!

Anyways there is nothing i can do now, well there is add live to my years not take years away from my life, tomorrow is my birthday and my goal is to enjoy being 22 make it as long as I can, take in everything that I can and stop wishing I was 15 again ( stupid right when i was 15 I wished i was older). I also want change!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Too far from where I thought I would be

I came into realization a little too late, I have let things get by so easily and until now i realize that I could be in a better place physically and even mentally. I try to think I'm happy but honestly I don't know. I have career plans and I want to do so many things, but so far I have accomplish almost nothing. I'm behind on school, things did not turn up like I thought they were. Now I find myself nowhere I don't know what to do or how to get back on track. I feel like I fail in some ways my friends are graduating and getting their bachelors this semester and I am behind that it is embarrassing to recognize. I didn't waste time living my crazy life, my family needed me and I felt like I had to be there for them. I always thought about what was convenient to my family and then I thought about me and school. Now that I want to get back on track I do not know how to take all the responsibilities, or stop feeling so responsible and concentrate on what matters to me. Unfortunately what I have come across this last years after I graduated, is that I care so much for my family that I sacrificed a lot of important things for them but now that I want to take back my dreams and goals, I have no support or interest from my family, it feels like I'm alone on this. I just hope that things get better for me, one way or the other.

Monday, March 21, 2011


For the passed few days I have been thinking and thinking and thinking of all the opportunities I let by. There is no use of regretting what once could have been a possible path of my life or maybe just a detour to the life I'm living now. Whatever it was and if life was going to take me another way or another place different than now, I can only wonder and think if it would have been better or worst. I live with the doubt of what it would have been for me to make other choices, not that the ones i made are bad bur better ones, wiser ones. I tell my friends all the time to not be afraid of taking a risk, or step out of the same old thing. I have decided that i won't live life wondering what something is like, I rather take a risk, go out of the routine and try something different. I sit on the chair and feel frustrated something I feel like i failed in so many ways to myself my family and friends, I still have a lot to live and learn but being home alone proves me that perhaps some of the choices I made could have been better. So go ahead, go out , meet people, love life and live it, there's nothing better than being young!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I have always asked myself why is it that guys cannot understand us. Either they are not actually paying attention to what we are saying, or they got a problem or we are the problem?

For the past couple of years i have tried analyzing the guys I know, how they act around a girl things they say to impress a girl, the things they do just when I'm around compared to things they do when someone else, or any cute girl is around. I found that the biggest mistake they make is underestimating their girl friend. The fact that I'm and maybe be not loving it, doesn't mean I cannot give my guy friend significant advice! My friend acts like he doesn't need any help, he knows what he is doing and won't accept anything i say even if it's true: one he doesn't trust my judgment or too he probably things i need help too! Guys number one problem is paying attention to details and trying to understand things that sometimes just are.

Whatever it is, for guys to understand why girls, go in groups to the restroom, or take long to leave the house, or sing like crazy in the car, look and your friend first, it's where most of your questions will be answered. We act our most natural with friends that we are used to hang out with, and we usually don't care unless the by we like is around!

P.S. Girls go to restrooms in groups, because we want too! simple as that!